Saviour LIVE

An Inspirational Journey Set to Music


Saviour LIVE is a modern oratorio, written for choir, orchestra, and soloists. Saviour’s storyline - told through the song lyrics - chronicles the Old Testament account of God’s chosen Hebrew people: from Creation and the Garden of Eden, through the New Testament’s Death and Resurrection story of the promised Messiah, and down to present day.

Dear Gateway Church,

Some of your will remember when Saviour was performed live here at Gateway and what a wonderful spirit-anointed experience it was.

I’m thrilled to see that it's now available for streaming for the first time! I can’t encourage you enough to watch this production filmed right here at Gateway and let your heart be touched by our Saviour!

Robert Morris

Senior Pastor / Gateway Church

From the Writers

“People ask me how strongly I feel about this project," he says, “and I’ll tell you honestly: If God forbid, something were to happen and this is the last thing I ever did, I would be very content with my life and my work.” - Greg Nelson / Writer

"Saviour touches me deeply, more than anything I've ever written - and it's especially fulfilling to know that sentiment is shared by thousands the world over.” - Bob Farrell / Writer

Featured Soloist

A soul-stirring event, favorably compared to Les Misérables, Saviour is a modern oratorio. With the choir, orchestra, and guest stars Twila Paris, Steve Green, Larnelle Harris, Wayne Watson, and Keron Jackson, this live event is a mesmerizing experience both spiritually and musically.

Steve Green

Larnelle Harris

Twila Paris

Wayne Watson

Keron Jackson

Watch the Trailer

Reaches Heights of Musical Expression that Border on the Sublime

Watch Saviour the LIVE Experience on the Go

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A mesmerizing experience both spiritually & musically

The oratorio is an orchestral musical form that tells a story, not by means of narration or dialogue, but through the song lyrics, sung by choir and soloists. The Saviour story thread is akin to a series of ‘snapshots’, taken from the Old and New Testament Biblical accounts of God’s interaction with His chosen: the Hebrew people.

"This inspirational journey set to music could easily pass as the score to a biblically-based theatrical drama on simply flows through the stereo and into your soul."